Friday, 8 April 2011

Busting Stress

It goes without saying that stress is something we’ve all had to deal with. The thing is that even though life throws many challenges our way and things seem to change so suddenly allowing yourself to become stressed out will only make the problems seem bigger and harder to cope with. Stress can turn into depression in the blink of an eye so it’s important to keep a handle on the things you allow your’ self to get upset over. Not every argument is a means to an end. Not every obstacle is impossible to over come. Not every person you meet is going to hurt you. Yes you will worry sometimes, that’s a given however if you choose to let those worries consume you then you’re in the beginning stages of completely stressing yourself out. No one on earth has the power to stress you out it’s all in YOUR head. There is a saying: mind over matter meaning if YOU don’t mind then IT doesn’t matter. If you let things get to you then guess what, they will get to you but if you chose to rise above petty problems and save your energy for better things like fixing them instead of dwelling on them then you’re already alleviating a huge amount of stress and tension from your mind and body. Stress comes from the resistance to change and adapt to things happening around you so embrace the fact that things can, will and always do change. That’s the natural way of life and it’s what makes the world go round so begin telling yourself change is not only good but necessary to the advancement of mankind. We all become frustrated when we cannot control certain situations but by adopting the attitude that if you can’t change something, change yourself you begin to see that these uncontrollable situations you fret can and will begin to work themselves out. Every one of us will have stressful days and moments the key is being able to recognize which arguments or issues are worth becoming stressed over and which can be left alone to sort out on their own. Going into any relationship you should have a good handle on your stress levels because those you interact with will eventually do something that can potentially lead to you feeling stressed. Once you’ve allowed said stress to take over you’ll see that it causes a trickle down effect on all the other relationships you have in your everyday life. The point is not to let your worries control your life. You might want to try these few tips to help you along the way.  

·        Make a list of what stresses you most then eliminate anything you know you CANNOT change
·        Accentuate the positive and remove the negative
·        Smile
·        Keep perspective
·        Pick up a new and exciting hobby
·        Talk to a close friend
·        Try seeing a therapist
·        Tell yourself everything is going to be just fine, and believe it

Procrastination is another way people tend to stress themselves out. Its something I have a personal struggle with everyday but if you’re leaving things to get done until the last minute then you’re running the risk of either having more stuff to deal with when you finally come around to it or just not getting it done at all. Stress is attributed to so many other health issues that it only makes sense we try to learn ways to stop it dead in its tracks before it gets out of control. Stress is also closely tied in to anger as well. People who have an angrier disposition tend to find more reasons for stress so having a firm grip on your temper can be very beneficial when dealing with stressful situations.

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