For my very first post ever in history I wanna talk about contradiction. I myself am a walking contradiction and I'm sure if you continue to read this blog you'll begin to agree. For example; I absolutely love animals! It hurts my heart to see any animal treated unfairly or in a cruel manor however when I'm hungry and craving a big juicy burger or some greasy fried chicken wings I have no thought about the poor animal who gave his life so I can stuff my face. I also contradict myself in other ways such as promoting a life full of love and peace and opening our hearts to each other and to God while in my leisure I curse like a sailor, smoke, drink and act kinda selfishly at times. I'm basically not perfect and have many flaws I'm pretty sure God isn't smiling at. So I guess my question is is contradiction good, bad or necessary?
Most of life is a contradiction. We were born to eventually die, if we never knew evil we'd never know what good is and if we never spent time in the dark we wouldn't be able to appreciate light so don't we need some contradictions? It probably sounds like I'm trying to excuse my bad behaviors and I can admit it sorta does but the point I'm trying to make is that no matter how hard we may try there is a point in everyone's life when he/she is gonna contradict themselves. Does that make us bad? I don't think so. In fact I actually think it makes us kinda great! Contradiction in a sense means a change in direction and all change is necessary throughout our entire lives. What you may have believed in a year ago you just don't believe in anymore so should you be judged for that? Absolutely not. Its living proof that you're evolving in some way. We're always moving and changing with the times so to expect anyone to stay in one place with the same beliefs forever is impossible. Views will change, opinions will change and ultimately people will change too so the best way to cope is to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop worrying about what others are doing, saying and feeling. I very much believe we all need to come together to form a more unity based existence but I think its equally important to live a more me based life as well. Another contradiction? Yup. However the only person who should be judging my contradictions is me (with the exception of God of course). We need not worry about others contradicting themselves if that contradiction has no direct effect on our lives and if we all lived in this way it would be a huge step toward coming together even though it means paying closer attention to ourselves rather than the people around us. If we stop monitoring each others intentions then who is left to accuse us of being contradictory? You guessed it, no one! So next time you see or hear someone contradicting themselves try not to pass judgment and if you catch yourself doing it don't feel bad since we're all pretty much hard wired to do it anyway. Live your life the way you see fit and make whatever changes you feel you should without worrying about what other people are thinking. As long as your intentions aren't to hurt anybody then regardless of what direction you take and when you choose to take it you're making progress and that's always a good thing.